Monday, August 6, 2012


I recently picked up two books on adoption.  The first, Secret Thoughts, was a good read.  Some sections don’t directly apply to us, but most of it was quite apt for what I’ve been feeling lately.  The second, In On It, is meant for the family and friends of those who are adopting.  We gave a copy to our parents, and they’ve all started reading.  I’m anxious to hear what they think.  Below are the online descriptions of each book.  If anyone has any other book suggestions, please let me know!     

Secret Thoughts of an Adoptive Mother by Jana Wolff
While books about adoption proliferate, none of them addresses the subject of open and interracial adoption like Jana Wolff's personal and frank account does in Secret Thoughts of an Adoptive Mother. Often irreverent, always insightful, surprisingly funny and stunningly honest, Secret Thoughts tells it like it is: How it feels for a woman to look nothing like her child and to know the woman who does. This fiercely honest and funny book answers questions no one dares to ask: What if I don't like the child I get? Will she want the baby back? If this is the happiest day of my life, why am I so sad? Am I too white for a kid this black? Chapter titles include: "The Myth of Bliss," Friendly Racism," "Meeting Your Child's Mother," and "Adopted Poop Doesn't Smell Any Different."Show More Show Less

In On It: What Adoptive Parents Would Like You To Know About Adoption by Elizabeth O’Toole
 One adoption social worker called In On It "the adoption book for everyone else": the grandparents and friends, neighbors and colleagues, aunts and uncles, teachers and caregivers of adoptive families. In On It contains helpful advice and instructive anecdotes from adoptive parents, adult adoptees, adoption professionals, and the friends and relatives of already established adoptive families. The author, an adoptive parent herself, has written an informative, friendly and very useful adoption guide that informs and enlightens readers even as it offers them a warm welcome into adoption.